Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Re: Still having different pwd for different windows

On Apr 29, 3:12 am, Paul Isambert wrote:
>AndyHancock a écrit:
>> I posted previously about the fact that pwd returns different
>> directories for different windows. I was pointed to autochdir, in
>> particular:
>> verbose set autochdir?
>> which always returns noautochdir.
>> I already have noautochdir in my vimrc, and the above command
>> indicates that netrw was last to set the autochdir option.
>> The problem is sporadic enough that it isn't clear to me that I
>> will ever be able to figure out how/when autochdir is being set (if
>> it is).
> The problem might not come from autochdir but from something like:
> autocmd BufRead * lcd %:p:h
> which sets the window's local directory. Perhaps you have that
> somewhere in your .vimrc file or elsewhere? (It's common enough.)

It's not in my vimrc file. I used cygwin's bash to issue the
following case-insensitive recursive search for the above statement
from "/c/Program Files (x86)/Vim".

grep -iR 'autocmd.*BufRead.*cd' !(Vimball)

Nothing came up. I sanity checked the search command by ensuring that
the following abbreviated version did yield (tons of) hits.

grep -iR 'autocmd.*BufRead' !(Vimball)

>> As an alternative to tracking this down, is there a way to prevent
>> autochdir from being set at all? I mean even if a plugin or
>> function somehwere issues a command to set autochdir, I want [g]vim
>> to be incapable of complying.
> As far as I know, you can't. But you can put a script in your
> "after" directory, which simply contains:
> set noautochdir
> Scripts in "after" are loaded after plugins.

What should I name the file? I was confused by the help file for

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