Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Running Indent in a Cygwin Shell from GVim

This may be more of a Cygwin question, but I’ll see if you guys can help…


I am trying to use indent ( on my new Win7 machine.  When I ran it from GVim, I got a bunch of ^M characters inserted into the result.


I had the same problem running it in a standalone Cygwin shell.  I tracked that back to the fact that the drive was getting mounted as binary instead of text.  So, I changed the line in my \cygwin\etc\fstab file to this…


none /cygdrive cygdrive text,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0



Then the output from indent looks as expected, with no ^M characters.


Unfortunately, I still get output with ^M characters when I run indent from GVim.


Here are the related settings in my _vimrc file:


set shell=c:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe

set shellcmdflag=-c


" Run indent on the entire file

nnoremap <silent> <S-F7> :%!indent<CR>


Any ideas as to how to resolve this?




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