Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Re: autocmd useage

On Jun 26, 2013 7:43 PM, "Charles Campbell" <> wrote:
> wangjun850725 wrote:
>> au VimEnter * call feedkeys('\ca', 't')
> Please bottom post!  That's the consensus vim list policy.
> I believe your problem is that you're trying to execute a mapping, '\ca', that has not been defined at the time the VimEnter event fires.
> What you want is for the mapping to execute -after- its been defined.  It just so happens that vim supports that sort of thing.
> (untested) Try putting
>   norm \ca
> in $HOME/.vim/after/plugin/NERDcomment.vim .  You may have to create a directory or two.
> C Campbell

By the time of VimEnter all plugins should have been already loaded. It would not load though with something like yours AsNeeded (though mapping should still work as it will trigger autoload, right?) or with VAM activating plugins *not from vimrc* (additions to runtimepath are not handled correctly if they are done after vim started to load plugins from runtimepath; we have a workaround, but it uses VimEnter too and is likely to be launched after event from the vimrc).

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