Monday, June 24, 2013

Re: Building Vim on Windows

On Monday, June 24, 2013 11:03:50 AM UTC-5, Salman Halim wrote:
> Thank you for this; I was wondering: does building with MinGW change GVim into a GNU-ish application? Can I still use paths like "c:\test\some\file.txt"? While I use the forward slash almost exclusively, it is nice to occasionally be able to take a file path someone else gave me and just :e or :sp it.

Nope, MinGW just uses unix-like tools to build a native Windows application. I actually can't use cygwin paths from my MinGW Vim build, it's all native Windows paths.

You can use the forward slash on Windows, though, like :e c:/test/some/file.txt. This doesn't depend on what you used to compile.

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