Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Re: How to change just 1 color of the default colorscheme

On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:19:24 AM UTC-5, Todd Dickinson wrote:
> I'm using vim to edit Asterisk configuration files. The syntax checking makes vim an absolutely invaluable tool but the dark blue color assigned to comments is too dark to be easily discernible/readable against the black background.
> I don't mind the default colorscheme used with asterisk.vim syntax file.
> How can I modify just the COMMENT color setting within an Asterisk configuration file?
> I would have even considered copying the /colors/default.vim over and use as a template but the default color file doesn't contain any color settings.
> Any help appreciated.

See to get the specific group name being used for that comment.

Then you can define a specific highlight command for that group, either in your own copy of the colorscheme, in a ColorScheme autocmd, or just in your .vimrc.

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