Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re: vim TOhtml: generate page including multiple windows

On Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:51:15 PM UTC-5, ping wrote:
> hi folks:
> I know this great plugin can generate a decent web page looks just like what is
> in vim, with 2 vsplit
> windows.
> I think it's neat to have the
> same feature for other "non-diff", generic
> scenarios .
> is it currently
> supported yet and if yes how?

It's not technically supported. You should be able to trigger the diff view by setting 'diff' manually, but that isn't exactly what you want and dynamic folding might do weird things if you do that. Plus the help for 'diff' says you aren't really supposed to do that.

What you can do is generate the pages individually and copy-paste into a larger document.

I'm working on some features requested by Bram to make that copy-paste work better. Right now there will be duplicate ID attributes if you do that, due to the line numbering anchors. I should have it out on vim_dev this weekend.

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