Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Re: Where to put "set iskeyword+=_" or remove "iskeyword-=_

On 13:42 Wed 19 Jun , Paul wrote:
> Coot, I think the problem is that I am working with vim 7.3, patches 1-46. It is a locked down environment, so I've given up trying to upgrade for the next few years (which is not to say that I haven't submitted a request). There is no tex_isk in .../doc/syntax.txt in my install. The commands
> echo tex_isk
> echo g:tex_isk
> yield the error messages:
> E121: Undefined variable: tex_isk
> E15: Invalid expression: tex_isk
> E121: Undefined variable: g:tex_isk
> E15: Invalid expression: g:tex_isk
> --------------------------------------------------

You're right, there is not g:tex_isk in your version. You can grab the
latest tex syntax file and put it in your vimfiles/syntax/tex.vim and
add g:tex_isk in your vimrc file. Then new syntax file have many more
options which you might be interested in. It can conceal stuff, and it
also have g:tex_fast setting with which you can set which syntax groups
are defined - this is very cool for slower machines since the tex syntax
file is really big. The tex syntax file you can get from:
or directly from vim ftp site:
(here you can also get the doc file (doc/syntax.txt) to read how to use
the new tex syntax script.

By the way, which LaTeX plugin are you using?

Best regards,

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