Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re: Where to put "set iskeyword+=_" or remove "iskeyword-=_

On Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:33:52 AM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
> The problem is essentially solved that this point. What follows describes what I did in response to your advice on checking whether $HOME/vimfiles/after/syntax/tex.vim runs -- it does not. The word "after" doesn't even show up in the :scriptnames listing below. I think I will save that for another day. But if you have any suggestions (without going out of your way to dig), I'd be happy to follow up to the extent that I can.
> Thanks !!
> --------------------------------------------------
> "~" is my short hand for $HOME, which I set in my personal _vimrc via:
> let $HOME=$USERPROFILE."/Documents"
> set rtp^=$HOME/vimfiles


Note from :help 'runtimepath' that the "after directory" is only used normally, because the default value of 'runtimepath' contains $HOME/vimfiles/after as the last entry.

Since you have moved your $HOME directory after Vim started up, you wisely re-inserted the new vimfiles location into the runtimepath. But, you did NOT re-insert the vimfiles/after directory!

If you do not have other programs that pay attention to the HOME environment variable, you may be better off setting it directly on your system. Otherwise, you could modify your Vim shortcuts and .bat files and such to set HOME for you just before launching Vim. Or continue in the way you are doing things, but add a "set rtp+=$HOME/vimfiles/after" to your .vimrc.

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