Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mapping Macro using smartindent


I try to speed up writing using mappings.
Smartindent is on, but doesn't work appropriatly.


Assume the following mapping:

imap { {}<Esc>i<CR><Esc>ko

Typing "{" (Quotes for clarification) results in
" (where "_" is the cursor position) -> Perfect.


line n:  for(int i(0);i<v.size();++i)_

...though typing <Esc>o leads to
line n  : 
for(int i(0);i<v.size();++i)
line n+1:  _

..typing '{' (using the mapping from above) leads to
line n  :  for(int i(0);i<v.size();++i)
line n+1:{
line n+2:  _
line n+3:}

How can I get this?(Appearing the brackets right below the 'f' in the same column)
line n  :  for(int i(0);i<v.size();++i)
line n+1:  {
line n+2:    _
line n+3:  }

Thank you in advance for help.

Best Sven K.

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