On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 10:38:53 AM UTC-5, kohanyi...@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm using Vim on Windows[1] with Microsoft's Japanese IME "enabled" all the time and when I enter insert mode the default input mode (the IME's input mode, not Vim's) changes to Japanese. I took two pictures to illustrate what I see before I enter insert mode[2] (notice the capital 'A' beside the red thingy on the tray) and after I've entered insert mode[3] (notice that the 'A' changed into a Japanese character). After the input mode has changed to Hiragana then when I type full-width Japanese characters are 'printed'.
> So, basically, when I open up Vim and I want to enter some text then first I have to switch back to the default IME input mode (half-width alphanumeric) which is all good (I can do this with a Windows shortcut), but sometimes I forget this and ... well, sometimes it's frustrating. What's worse is that if I load a new file into a buffer and switch over to that and enter insert mode I have to switch the IME's input mode again, which is really-really frustrating when I try to work with multiple files.
> My question is: can I instruct Vim so that it won't change the IME input mode when I enter insert mode? (It's not option for me to switch Windows's keyboard language/layout to another language when I work with Vim because I have to type Japanese text sometimes and switching between languages is more frustrating than this whole shebang :).
> Thanks for the input in advance.
> Regards,
> Kohányi Róbert
> [1] http://tuxproject.de/projects/vim/
> [2] http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8808/dht8.png
> [3] http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/8066/nzpr.png
Try setting the following:
set iminsert=0
set imsearch=-1
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