Thursday, July 25, 2013

Re: Gvim starting up in C:\temp??

John Little wrote:
> On Friday, July 26, 2013 7:48:20 AM UTC+12, Linda W wrote:
>> Why is it in C:\tmp? (when I started in my home dir/profiledir).
> See :help 'directory'
> Regards, John Little
But normally I see it open the file in the same directory as the
file to edit.

The problem here is that something seems to interfere with the
set shellslash option ... and instead of opening a swp file
as "./bin/.iotest.swp, it's failing that and trying to use C:\tmp.

Note. If I type in "gvim $PWD/bin/iotest", where
"PWD" contains "/Users/lawa" it works.
But just "bin/iotest", and "./bin/iotest" open a blank
screen that says "New Directory" with the swap in C:\tmp.
(that it can't write to)...not that it would be very helpful.

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