Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Re: How to close a window by window number?

Eric Siegel wrote:
> Awesome,
> Your fix works mostly. The only problem is that the window numbers change after you perform the close. I simply kept the original buffer name around and checked its window after the close.
> Thanks everyone for the help!
> I can't believe how inconsistent vimscript can be.
> We need a standard library.
I agree that its inconsistent that wincmd c doesn't accept a count.
However, I'd expect that, if it did accept a count, that it would simply
perform [count] window closes, which would not be the same as closing
the window with winnr() of [count].
As far as window numbers changing after the close is performed - that's
what I'd expect.
At least w:vars seem to stick with the logical window that they were
created in.

Chip Campbell

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