Sunday, July 28, 2013

Re: perl-support equivalent for python

On Thursday, July 25, 2013 2:29:39 PM UTC-5, Jim Green wrote:
> perl-support makes it so easy to write perl in vim. all the shortcuts, code autogeneration. Is there a equivalent perl-support for python?
> Thanks!
> Jim.

I assume you mean this plugin (found with a Google search for "vim perl-support plugin":

The plugin claims to make Vim a Perl IDE. So I tried searching for "vim python IDE", it came up with some results that look promising.

Otherwise, there are many plugins out there providing one or more features listed for perl-support, though not all at one time. Most Vim plugins are more focused than that.

Off the top of my head, I know syntastic will provide on-the-fly error highlighting, I assume there is a python compiler plugin that can check syntax highlighting using quickfix when you type ":make", there are almost TOO MANY snippet plugins out there, and there is NERD Commenter for comments. I use none of these right now, by the way, although I do use compiler plugins for other languages. I think you may have more luck searching for specific features you are looking for than trying to get it all-in-one.

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