Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Re: Basic calculation in Vim

On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:16:20 AM UTC-5, tjg wrote:
> - one about the final output : divide the NbCar by 1500 (in France a
> journalistic "feuillet"/page, I do not know if there is an equivalent
> elsewhere) ; here it would indicate that a week ago I had written 15
> feuillets (rounded upwards), and this week, 20 feuillets : a 250 pages book
> in a year, "In search of lost time" much later, genius not included…
> - one about simple readability : divide the number of words by the number of
> sentences.
> How should I proceed ?
> For the first one (output) I tried to move the cursor on the number (e.g.
> 30310), enter insert mode then <Ctrl-R>= followed by <Ctrl-R><Ctrl-W>/1500,
> but failed miserably.

Once you enter insert mode the cursor may not be on the number anymore. I'd yank it to a register first, then paste that. This has the added benefit that you can paste it anywhere at all, not with the cursor over other text you might want to keep.

For example, place the cursor on the 30310 somewhere, do "cyiw to copy the number to the 'c' register/clipboard. Then enter insert mode wherever you like (doesn't need to be around the same number anywhere) and do <C-R>c.0/1500.

Note the ".0" I appended to the register contents. This forces Vim to do floating-point math instead of integer math, which will just ignore any fractional components.


"c just specifies that you want to use the 'c' register for the next operation
y means do a "yank" operation
iw specifies *what* to yank, in this case a single word, without any surrounding whitespace.

<C-R>c (i.e. hold down CTRL, press R, let go of CTRL, press C) inserts the contens of the 'c' register

> As for the second one (readability), I simply cannot figure it out.

Well, you already have number of words, and number of sentences. Repeat the process above using two different registers. E.g. yank the words into 'w' with "wyiw and yank the sentences into 's' with "syiw. Then use <C-R>w and <C-R>s to get the corresponding numbers into the expression register.

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