Saturday, August 24, 2013

Re: Certain commands undock & shift window

On Saturday, August 24, 2013 11:28:10 AM UTC-4, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>On 24/08/13 17:01, Cesar Romani wrote:
>> Go to
>> Start > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access > ...
>> Ease of Access Center > Make the mouse easier to use
>> Check "Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to
>> the edge of the screen"
> To resize the gvim screen from the keyboard you can set the 'lines'
> and/or 'columns' options. But I don't know how it interacts with your
> "docking". (My screen is 1024x768 and, on this Linux system, I keep
> windows apart by means of virtual desktops, something which does not
> exist on MS-Windows AFAIK.)
> Note: gvim will normally not let its screen exceed what is available on
> your monitor; if necessary it will adjust 'lines' and/or 'columns'
> downwards. This can also happen when you set a larger 'guifont'.
> See
> :help 'lines'
> :help 'columns'
> :help 'guifont'

Thanks for the tip, Tony. Unfortunately, it may not help in this situation because those parameters don't change. The source of the chnge in window size is the appearance of scrollbars.

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