Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Re: Certain commands undock & shift window

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 6:04:35 PM UTC-4, AndyHancock wrote:
>On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:07:59 PM UTC-4, AndyHancock wrote:
>> ...it's turning out to be harder to avoid changes to the window
>> size than I thought (and that is the source of the undocking
>> problem described in this thread). That is, if you like vertical
>> scroll bars and switch around your window splitting alot. For
>> example, for vertical split windows with scrollbars, you'd use a
>> scrollbar on the left edge for the left window and a scrollbar on
>> the right edge for the right window. But say you decide to move
>> the left window to the top (ctrl-W followed by K in normal mode).
>> Then, both windows have scrollbars along the right edge, and with
>> no more need for a scrollbar along the left edge, poof, the overall
>> gvim window size changes. I'm sure it's just a matter of perusing
>> the scrollbar documentation to see what alternatives there are to a
>> scrollbar along the left edge for a vertically split window (which
>> I will do), but it's a pity that this has to be forgone.
> Actually, another challenge in the cogs: Switching between tabs
> where you have no vertical splits in one tab but you have vertical
> splits in another. That causes the GUI window size to change. I'm
> going to disable the left-side scrollbar.

OK, for future reference (in case anyone else docks gvim and makes liberal use of split windows/tabs), this seems to be all the bases that need covering to avoid changes in the size of gvim's overall GUI window:

set guioptions+=b guioptions-=e guioptions-=L guioptions?

Thanks for all the pointers provided in this forum.

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