Saturday, August 24, 2013

Re: Certain commands undock & shift window

On 25/08/13 01:25, AndyHancock wrote:
> On Saturday, August 24, 2013 11:01:12 AM UTC-4, andalou wrote:
>> Start > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access > ...
>> Ease of Access Center > Make the mouse easier to use
>> Check "Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved
>> to the edge of the screen"
> I think I might have missed something or mis-explained something. I don't want to defeat the auto arrangement when docking the window. I want to avoid undoing the docking (and subsequent narrowing) of the gvim window as a result of the following:
> * tab split or tabclose
> * set guioptions+=b when it doesn't have b
> * set guioptions-=b when it does
> The above commands seem to cause the gvim window to change size, which somehow causes Windows 7 to adjust the window position. I made a snyde comment about how Windows handles gvim's change in window size but I think I hastily jumped on the Windows bashing bandwagon. In truth, if the gvim window changes size, perhaps there is no rational way to handle it. Maybe this problem can be avoided if gvim doesn't change its windows size upon execution of the above commands. (Not meant as a criticism, but rather, as an observation of how the problem might be avoided).
Adding or removing a tabpage shouldn't change the size of Vim… unless it
also causes the tab bar to appear or disappear. Setting 'showtabline' to
2 (not the default) will make the tab bar remain always present, even
when there is only one tab. You might then customize 'tabline' (for a
text-style tabline: in Console mode or with go-=e) or 'guitablabel' (in
GUI mode with go+=e) to display more than the default. I display "a:b/c
filename.ext" where a, b and c are numbers, meaning "Tab #a: window b of
c" and are displayed in colour.

Adding or removing a scrollbar (not only the bottom one, but also the
left and/or right ones) will increase the size of Vim in that directokin
by the width of the scrollbar. This is intentional in order to keep the
number of 'lines' and 'columns' constant for the text. To avoid that,
you may want to always display all three scrollbars, menubar and toolbar:

set go-=b go -=l go-=r go -=L go-=R go-=m go-=T go+=blrTm

but it isn't really pretty. Or you could :set wrap and never use the
bottom scrollbar. The paired vertical scrollbars are useful when there
is a vertical split but otherwise not so much, so normally I use rL (as
part og gimrLtc). This, however, will slightly modify the width of gvim
when adding or removing a vertical split (unless of course it is
Maximized but that isn't what you want).

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
3. Your bookmark takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom.

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