Thursday, August 22, 2013

Re: Disable swap file for large files?

On Thursday, August 22, 2013 1:25:29 AM UTC-5, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> No. There are only two ways handling this. If you don't really change
> the buffer, you can disable the undo and later :rundo the
> existing undofiles.

Woah, woah, woah!

Could one theoretically add to the autocmd that detects a large file, to (before setting undolevels) do something like:

bufdo let names[bufnr('%')] = tempname() | exe 'wundo' names[bufnr('%')]

And then when closing the file/undoing the largefile settings,

bufdo exe 'rundo' names[bufnr('%')]

(with error handling and all that added of course).

Probably would want to set 'nomodifiable' on all the buffers until the largefile settings were out of effect or something to prevent creating new changes not in the undo file.

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