Oops, I guess You wanted to DISABLE for files larger than a certain size, not ENABLE them. You could do the same thing in reverse, or potentially enable by default and then disable locally in a BufReadPre. I'm not sure whether that works or not.
Thanks for the suggestions Ben and John, I went with the following:
"try to disable swapfiles for large files
augroup disable_swap_large_files
"5 megs
autocmd BufRead * if getfsize(expand('%:p')) > 5242880 |
\ setlocal noswapfile noundofile | endif
augroup END
augroup disable_swap_large_files
"5 megs
autocmd BufRead * if getfsize(expand('%:p')) > 5242880 |
\ setlocal noswapfile noundofile | endif
augroup END
It seems that the backup option is a global one so I didn't change that one.
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