Monday, August 26, 2013

Re: Mapping <*-CR>

On Monday, August 26, 2013 8:10:44 AM UTC+12, Michael Henry wrote:
> Enter insert mode via "i", then press CTRL-v to insert the
> keycode literally, then press Shift-F1. You should see the same
> escape sequence in both Konsole and Xterm, matching the terminfo
> entry for xterm:

Er, in my Raring Kubuntu, Shift-F1 is KDE standard for "What's this", a Help function, which Konsole doesn't support so it kindly adds a diagonal-barred-circle symbol (like a no symbol, except reversed) to the mouse pointer, discards it, and then swallows the next key stroke; neither gets through to vim. (Of the K programmes I use, only KSysGuard, KDE's system monitor, implements the "what's this" function.)

I suppose I can turn it off, took me a while to think of it and find how. Then I get ESC O2P as you report, different from xterm's ESC [1;2P

Note that bash will show function key sequences after typing ctrl-v, too.

Regards, John Little

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