Sunday, August 25, 2013

Re: Mapping <*-CR>

On Sunday, August 25, 2013 5:49:34 PM UTC-4, ZyX wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2013 1:40 AM, "Thomas E. Dickey" <> wrote:
> >
> > On Sunday, August 25, 2013 5:29:10 PM UTC-4, ZyX wrote:
> > > On Aug 26, 2013 1:21 AM, "Thomas E. Dickey" <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Sunday, August 25, 2013 5:15:28 PM UTC-4, ZyX wrote:
> > >
> > > > > Konsole version is 4.10.4.
> > >
> > > > There are two "about" buttons.  The About KDE" in Fedora 19 report 4.10.5.
> > > > I'm talking about the one for konsole (2.10.5).
> > >
> > > I do not use "about" button. 4.10.4 is the version reported by package manager. konsole --version reports
> > >
> > >     Qt: 4.8.4
> > >     KDE: 4.10.5
> > >     Konsole: 2.10.4
> >
> > So you have 2.10.4 (slightly older than Fedora 19).
> >
> > It's possible that you have a keyboard setup (or customized) to match
> > "xterm".  Generally packagers don't do that, and in any case we're discussing
> > a pristine copy of konsole - not something that a user may have repaired using
> > the settings dialog.
> I was discussing colors here, nothing more.
> Well I first just said that non-standard $TERM works fine and explained why I have it. The "why" part switched the discussion to true color support. I do not see how keyboard settings may withdraw true color support from xterm you claimed to be absent:

actually, my first reply was mainly on the issue of $TERM, which
is what most of the thread is about. The part about colors is secondary;
if xterm does something appropriate with the escape sequences, then it's
usable. If it ignores it (as do the other terminals...), then it's not.

Testing with tack, I can see that konsole's keyboard matches the "konsole" terminfo entry,
and does not match "xterm" (use infocmp to see the expected differences).
That makes it unusable (doesn't function as specified).

Reiterating my comment about the goal of "emulating xterm", this is a difference
that is about ten years old.

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