Sunday, August 25, 2013

Re: Mapping <*-CR>

On 25/08/13 20:16, Nikolay Pavlov wrote:
> Note that konsole is the only terminal I know that supports true color.
> Using non-standard $TERM makes me able to recognize konsole and enable
> true color support in some applications (i.e. vim, there is a patch for
> this lying somewhere, search for 'guicolors').

Thanks for the tip, but CSApprox's 256-color approximations of my GUI
colour settings are good enough for me, especially since when deviating
from Vim's default colours I tend to use the 216 "safe" colours where
red, green and blue are each a multiple of 0x33 (giving the six values
00, 33, 66, 99, CC, FF hence 6³ = 216 values). These "safe" colours
ought to be displayable "exactly" on 256-colour terminals, and I don't
need finer hues, except sometimes in greyscale (e.g. I use guibg=#F4F4F4
for CursorLine and CursorColumn) but IIUC there is an additional set of
more than 6 grey values among the 256. Accounting for the 16 (8 dark and
8 bright) "basic" colours leaves 256-216-16 = 24 empty slots which I
suppose could be allocated to greyscale.

> I am using Gentoo.

I am on openSUSE, currently version 12.2 which is not the latest,
because I have problems with both booting from an ISO image on my HD (I
can boot the kernel and initrd by copying them next to the ISO image and
telling GRUB where they are, the problem is telling the booted system
where to look for the rest of the installation/update system), and
burning it on an actual DVD.

Best regards,
Q: What do you call a principal female opera singer whose high C
is lower than those of other principal female opera singers?
A: A deep C diva.

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