Friday, August 30, 2013

Re: Slowness in Doxygen syntax

Alessandro Antonello <> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I found some glitches in the new MacVim version and I was wondering if
> someone else already saw something like this. I talked about MacVim because
> I
> couldn't test the Windows version yet.
> I usually work with ObjC files and I set 'syntax' in the modeline, like
> this:
> // vim:syntax=objc.doxygen
> I use Doxygen for project documentation for years and it is part of my life
> now. The odd glitch is that, the documented comment slows down Vim
> substantially. Not in every places. Only when the cursor is in a comment
> block
> and if that comment block has a Doxygen command like @c (code), @b (bold),
> @i
> (italic) or @ref (cross reference). Commands like @param or @return doesn't
> has the same behavior. The slowness also happens when using \c, \b, \i,
> \ref.
> That is, the '@' character is not the culprit.
> The slower [G]Vim happens only when the cursor is in the commented block.
> Soon
> the cursor gets out of it, the movement responses are back to normal.
> I try to disable some plugins, like UltiSnips and clang_complete, because I
> installed them about a week ago. But that doesn't solve the problem. So, as
> a
> work around, I came up with:
> :set syntax=objc
> :set regexpengine=1
> :set syntax=objc.doxygen
> The problem disappeared.
> I took a look at the Doxygen syntax from the new MacVim version and it
> didn't
> change a bit. So, I think this has something to do with the new regular
> expression engine.
> Someone saw this problem yet?
> Regards.

Which version of Vim are you using?

Vim-7.4.* introduced the :syntime command which is
useful for finding what regexp are the bottlenecks. See
:help :syntime


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