Saturday, August 31, 2013

Re: Slowness in Doxygen syntax

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Alessandro Antonello <> wrote:

I use Doxygen for project documentation for years and it is part of my life
now. The odd glitch is that, the documented comment slows down Vim
substantially. Not in every places. Only when the cursor is in a comment block
and if that comment block has a Doxygen command like @c (code), @b (bold), @i
(italic) or @ref (cross reference). Commands like @param or @return doesn't
has the same behavior. The slowness also happens when using \c, \b, \i, \ref.
That is, the '@' character is not the culprit.

The slower [G]Vim happens only when the cursor is in the commented block. Soon
the cursor gets out of it, the movement responses are back to normal.

     What is slow:  typing in Insert mode?  Moving around in Normal mode?  Ex mode, like :s/foo_var/bar_var/g ?

Benji Fisher 

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