Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Re: strange behavior: ":w" only writes new buffers to disk, not open them.

On 2013-08-20 18:16, leo wrote:
> when a create new buffer, for instance ":w test.txt", vim
> only writes/creates the file test, but it no longer opens
> it by default. Is there any option that controls that?

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "no longer opens it
by default". Based on my reading, there are two possible meanings
that occur to me:

1) when creating a new buffer (":new") and then writing it (":w
test.txt"), it writes the file but doesn't change the buffer-name to
associate it with the file on disk. If this is the case, this is
clearly a regression. I'd test to see if you can duplicate it with
after you've started vim with "vim -u NONE" to eliminate any
possibility of vimrc files interfering.

2) when creating a new buffer against an existing file (":e
existing.txt") and then writing a new file (":w test.txt"), it
doesn't change the file-name (i.e., subsequent writes write to
"existing.txt"), this is the expected behavior. To write to a new
file and change to that one instead, you want to use ":saveas
test.txt" instead of ":w test.txt"

It would help to know:
- which one of the above you're talking about,
- which version of Vim you're running ("7.2.314")
- any plugins or particularly germane settings you might have in your


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