Sunday, August 25, 2013

redraw crashes on android

Hey guys, this is sort of an obscure problem, I'm not sure if you have any suggestions. I'm running vim 7.3.3 (locally) on an android phone, via Connectbot, and I'm getting a crash that can't be reproduced on a computer due to redr!, maybe because of memory constraints or something. For example, the following script will crash my phone after about 3 seconds

while 1
if reltime()[1]%2
exe "norm! \<c-e>"
exe "norm! \<c-y>"

On the "verbose" error log I get an "Interrupted" message and it jumps straight into my VimLeavePre autocommmands. I'm mostly looking for a work-around or any suggestions as to how to avoid this, or whether it's possible to do a safer redraw, etc. Try / catch, for example, doesn't work.

The actual script I'm working on, if this is relevant, is a mouse panning thing, a la Adobe reader:

nn <silent> <leftmouse> :call getchar()<cr><leftmouse>:exe (MousePan()==1? "keepj norm! \<lt>leftmouse>":"")<cr>
let glidestep=[99999999]+map(range(11),'11*(11-v:val)*(11-v:val)')
fun! MousePan()
if v:mouse_lnum>line('w$') || (&wrap && v:mouse_col%winwidth(0)==1) || (!&wrap && v:mouse_col>=winwidth(0)+winsaveview().leftcol) || v:mouse_lnum==line('$')
if line('$')==line('w0') | exe "keepj norm! \<c-y>" |en
return 1 | en
exe "norm! \<leftmouse>"
let [veon,fr,tl,dvl,dhl]=[&ve==?'all',-1,repeat([reltime()],4),[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
let v=winsaveview()
let [v.col,v.coladd]=[0,v.curswant]
while getchar()=="\<leftdrag>"
let [dV,dH,fr]=[min([v:mouse_lnum-v.lnum,v.topline-1]), min([veon*(v:mouse_col-v.coladd-1),v.leftcol]),(fr+1)%4]
let [v.topline,v.leftcol,v.lnum,v.coladd,tl[fr],dvl[fr],dhl[fr]]=[v.topline-dV,v.leftcol-dH,v:mouse_lnum-dV,v:mouse_col-1-dH,reltime(),dV,dH]
call winrestview(v)
let [sv,sh]=[dvl[0]+dvl[1]+dvl[2]+dvl[3],dhl[0]+dhl[1]+dhl[2]+dhl[3]]
let [ctl,cln,sv]=sv>2? ['-(v.topline>1)','-(v.lnum>1)',sv+10] : sv<-2? ['v.topline<'.line('$'),'v.lnum<'.line('$'),-sv+10] : ['-(v.topline>1)','-(v.lnum>1)',0]
let [clc,cca,sh,vc,hc]=sh>2? ['-(v.leftcol>0)','-(v.coladd>0)',sh+10,0,0] : sh<-2? ['1','1',-sh+10,0,0] : ['1','1',0,0,0]
if !eval(join(reltime(tl[(fr+1)%4]),' || 20000<')) || !sv && !sh | return | en
while !getchar(1) && sv+sh>0
let [y,x,vc,hc]=[vc>get(g:glidestep,sv,1),hc>get(g:glidestep,sh,1),vc+1,hc+1]
if y+x
let [v.topline,v.lnum,sv,vc]+=y? [eval(ctl),eval(cln),-1,-vc] : [0,0,0,0]
let [v.leftcol,v.coladd,sh,hc]+=x? [eval(clc),eval(cca),-1,-hc] : [0,0,0,0]
call winrestview(v)

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