Friday, August 30, 2013

yankring and @: (repeat last ex command)


Yankring doesn't seem to manage the @: command, so I first tried this workaround :

nnoremap @: :<c-r>:<cr>

which works, but is not very elegant.

So, I suggest the small patch below to fix it. Probably a quick and
dirty one, I hope there is no mistake :

--- .yankring.vim.bkp 2013-08-30 10:29:13.058816243 +0200
+++ yankring.vim 2013-08-30 10:52:43.766806732 +0200
@@ -1673,6 +1673,11 @@
return ""

+ if zapto == ":"
+ normal! @:
+ return ""
+ endif
if zapto !~ '\(\w\|@\)'
" Abort if the user does not specify a register
call s:YRWarningMsg( "YR:No register specified, aborting macro" )



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