Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ANN: YankRing 18.0

YankRing.vim : Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes 

What does it do? 

Inspired by the Emacs kill ring.

Allows you to retrieve previous yanks, deletes and changed text and 
cycle through them choosing which item you need.  It also works across 
Vim instances so they all see the same history.  Useful for sharing 
text across instances, including when using Screen in *nix. 

For a more descriptive write up, please see the web page. 

Thanks for everyone's feedback so far. 
If you do try the plugin and find things that bother you, please send 
me an email. 

What is new? 

NF: Handle the @: command (Lingnan Dai). 

NF: Added new global option to specify the YankRing buffer name, g:yankring_buffer_name (Štefan Sakalík). 

BF: Did not properly highlight new commands in the YankRing window (Thilo Six). 

As usual, feedback good and bad is always welcome. 


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