Monday, September 30, 2013

Re: BufEnter buggy?

On 9/28/13, Aaron Bohannon <> wrote:
> I have an autocmd that updates the window title in my terminal based on the
> current file name. BufEnter clearly seems to be the event I would want to
> trigger it with. But I've noticed two problems:
> (a) BufEnter isn't getting triggered after closing the last window in a tab
> and ending up in a different tab. ...

Which Vim version are you using? I remember such bug being reported by
someone and it was subsequently fixed before version 7.4. It can be
tested as follows:

tabnew Foo
autocmd BufEnter <buffer> let g:foo+=1
let g:foo = 0
wincmd c
echo g:foo

The output is:
0 (wrong) in Vim 7.3.829
1 (correct) in Vim 7.3.145, Vim 7.4.000


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