Friday, September 27, 2013

Re: error M:\_viminfo!

The copy of Vi Im using has no docs folder etc. To tell you the truth of the matter is that I have been using vi for many years. Im unclear if years ago on Unix when I started using it, if there was much of a sofisticated help as you have described. Certainly you could not get it via f keys accept if you did some magic which I dont know. So really I have plugged along without all the nice features, which probably are helpfull.

The reason I like vi is because I can put that one program on a floppy disk, usb stick or anywhere and then I cant edit files with some attitute.
Im unclear if I installaed this vi from a proper windows install or just copyed it from one computer to another, because I just like it.

I suppose I should look into it to get the most out of it.

I do have a question though. Vi has worked well for me on this computer for many years. (windows 7) But now when I press ESC to exit from the text mode. It does not work. I have discovered that F1 sort of works. But it gives me an error as well, E433: No tags file and E149: Sorry, no help for help.txt and Press Enter or type command to continue. Then I am it the right mode like I press ed ESC. I dont know why this has changed. I dont recall changing anything.

Is there any way to get back my ESC.

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