Thursday, September 26, 2013

Re: Improve context syntax file

On 2013–09–26 Nikolay Pavlov wrote:

> > Does someone have a solution for the remaining two problems?
> I guess you need to alter iskeyword for the problem with underscore.

But I can't add it permanently. The underscore is only part of a
word in between the following blocks.

\unprotect … \protect %% or
\starttexcode … \stoptexcode

> But different comments could be only a result of patching
> commetary and other plugins. You can try hacking with
> CursorMoved/CursorMovedI events but likely you will introduce more
> problems then solve.

I don't think patching commetary is the right solution. It's a very
small plugin only relying on commentstring. Furthermore, vim knows
already that it's inside a Lua snippet (it switched to Lua syntax
highlighting) and it knows that it's inside a Lua comment (it's
highlighted as a comment). So all required information is available
at this point. If I only could make vim change the commentstring in
this case, that would be perfect.


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