Thursday, September 26, 2013

Re: Problem adding keys to dictionary

On Sep 26, 2013 3:49 PM, "Pablo Giménez" <> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am trying to customize my VAM (Vim Addon Manager) setup adding some new sources.
> So following docs instructions I created a function that fist queries a dictionary with all bundles entries and then add new keys to that dictionary, So I got two lines like:
> let d.gundo = { 'type' : 'git', 'url' : 'git://',
>     \'homepage' : '' }
> let d.vim-neatstatus = { 'type' : 'git', 'url' : 'git://', 'homepage' : '' }

HYPHENMINUS (anything other then Latin letters, digits and underscores) cannot be used with dict.key syntax. Use brackets.

> The when I start vim I got errors from VAM because it cant not find these source and teh reason is because I got errors in those let lines:
> line    6:
> E18: Unexpected characters in :let
> line    8:
> E18: Unexpected characters in :let
> I cant see anything wrong with these dictionaries assignments so I don't know why vim is erroring there.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> --
> Un saludo
> Best Regards
> Pablo Giménez
> --
> --
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