Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Re: Question about communication with system clipboard


Thanks for all responses. I tried with "+ register but results are still not good eg. When I close Vim (gVim) I loose information from clipboard.

Actually so far I tried on my Fedora (gVim 7.4 Huge), Ubuntu 12.04 (gVim 7.3 1-429 Huge) and Windows7 (gVim7.4) and it worked only on windows.
On windows I was able to copy to "* , close gvim and then with mouse paste information i copied to "* to my browser.

On Linux it did not work so far ( I tried with "+ and "*).

I read in pointed manual (x11-selection) that before vim is closed/suspended it should copy "+ into CUT_BUFFER0 so information is not lost.

I tried xsel application that can manipulate PRIMARY,SECONDARY,CLIPBOARD registers eg. I can look what it is stored in them and put some content there. And when I close my gVim and there I print CLIPBOARD or any other there is nothing there ,although it was expected content there when gVim was running.

I would be grateful for some more suggesstions


On Monday, September 23, 2013 6:48:25 AM UTC+2, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2013-09-22, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > On 22/09/13 11:01, Jacek Czaja wrote:
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I 'm searching an advice on following problem: copying from vim to
> > >system clipboard. and then using what i copied out of vim.
> > >
> > >What works for me:
> > >1) Start my gvim (configuration below) and i copy given line to * register
> > >2) I switch to terminal and insert Shift+Insert and I got it pasted
> > > And it works like a charm.
> > >
> > >What does not work for me is:
> > >1) Start gvim, copy to * register
> > >2) Close gvim
> > >3) try to paste what I copied to clipboard from gvim before it was closed.
> > >
> > >And this does not work. So how can I make it work for me eg. copying to
> > >system clipboard from vim , closing vim and then using copied value.
> > >
> > >I'm using gvim 7.4.27 from fedora 19 repo
> > >configuration:
> > >VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Sep 11 2013 12:27:48)
> > >Zadane łaty: 1-27
> > >Zmieniony przez < <>>
> > >Skompilowany przez < <>>
> > >Olbrzymia wersja z GTK2 GUI. Opcje włączone (+) lub nie (-):
> > [...]
> >
> > Try copying into the + register (the CLIPBOARD) instead. That is what
> > is used by Edit→Paste, Edit→Cut, Edit→Copy.
> >
> > Register * is the SELECTION, filled in many programs by selecting
> > text, and pasted by middle-click.
> >
> > Note that these two registers are different on X11 but not on Windows.
> An important difference between these two registers on X11 is that
> the primary selection (Vim's * register) is owned by the
> application, whereas the clipboard (Vim's + register) is owned by
> the X server. The contents of the primary selection disappear when
> the application owning that memory is terminated.
> See
> :help x11-selection
> :help gui-selections
> Regards,
> Gary

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