Monday, September 30, 2013

Re: Scrolling (diffing) through VCS revisions

On Monday, September 30, 2013 5:13:45 AM UTC-5, ZyX wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2013 1:20 PM, "Paul" <> wrote:
> >> Note: gJ and gK should be typed in the buffer with repository version, not
> >> in the buffer with version from current working directory. J and K are for
> >> just next/previous revision. If you are diffing two revisions they should
> >> work for both (in fact it is aurum://file mapping, not the
> >> AuVimDiff-specific one).
> >
> >
> > When I do gJ / gK, I get "E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off". I tried making this an issue on bitbucket but I got a 403.
> Do you have any mappings to gJ/gK? These commands do not do any changes, they open a new buffer.
> : what does ":verbose nmap gJ" show?

Hi, ZyX and Jan!

I've encountered similar problems in the past, because I have a BufRead/BufWinEnter autocmd which sets 'nomodifiable' if 'readonly' is set. At one point I was doing a global "set nomodifiable" but now I do "setlocal" instead. Otherwise, any new buffers created also have 'nomodifiable' set.

Jan, if you've got a similar autocmd, you should make the same fix.

ZyX, if the new buffer your plugin is creating should always be modifiable, it would be smart to set 'modifiable' explicitly just in case it inherits a bad value.

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