Monday, September 30, 2013

Vim and Lilypond setup

I have written the following block of text to Fedora forums and received
a partial answer. Following the curly bracketed text block is a further
question perhaps best answered by the talented folks here.


I am just starting a school for children to learn English and guitar at
the same time here in Germany. I've spent many hours trying to evaluate
my options with the commercial software "GuitarPro" in comparison to
using Tuxguitar and Lilypond. Tuxguitar appears to be "dead in the
water" and does not correctly output input files for Lilypond.

In searching for the reason why vim7.4 does not highlight Lilypond
source files in Fedora 19 I have run into some confusion. The Lilypond

suggests an entry into .vimrc such as:

filetype off
set runtimepath+=/usr/local/share/lilypond/current/vim/
filetype on

A bug report says that perhaps the above code should have the line
"syntax on" following to be correct.

With the Fedora Software Manager I have installed "Lilypond 2.16.2". In
the installed directory /usr/share/lilypond there is no such vim
directory present??? I am suspecting, without much knowledge, that they
wish to provide their own vim scripts because they change their syntax
often. Could it be??? If so where is the directory?

Otherwise, my now old .../vim/vim73/syntax directory has only the three
files left in it; lilypond.vim, lilypond-words, and lilypond-words.vim.
I suspect the software manager may not have installed the files to the
correct directory, vim74, as I have only recently installed Lilypond. I
have copied the files to the vim74/syntax directory but the highlighting
appears to be very limited without change. Comments and quotes are
highlighted but not much more! In the lilypond.vim file a maintainer is
mentioned: Heikki Junes but the Email address is no longer used

I would greatly appreciate advice on how to configure vim for Lilypond
in Fedora 19.


Frescobaldi is an application, editor with a pre-view window for
Lilypond *.pdf files. Has anyone experience with using Gvim or vim to
acomplish the same thing using our favorite editor?


Kevin Tough

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