Monday, October 28, 2013

Re: changing Vim`s logo

also sprach Mohsen <> [2013.10.28.0732 +0100]:
> I mean DEs, application`s Gui and their icons are getting newer
> and more beautiful every day but Vim has it`s old ans rusty icon
> yet.

When other software gets polished new logos with full colur and 3D
look, while the software generally doesn't get much better, I'd
prefer if Vim just stayed as good as it is, and there is no need to
change the logo to reflect that it stays as good as it is.

martin | |

"the association on this web site and in peter chappell
publications, articles and books, made between remedy and diseases
is used for clarity, but is not the functional reality and does not
imply these resonances treat any disease. they merely vitalise and
inform the self healing system."
-- peter chappell


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