Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Re: changing Vim`s logo

On Mon, October 28, 2013 07:32, Mohsen wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> It`s been a while since i think about changing Vim`s logo. Don`t you
> think that the time has been arrived?
> I mean DEs, application`s Gui and their icons are getting newer and
> more beautiful every day but Vim has it`s old ans rusty icon yet. Please
> take a look at picture that attached:
> Do you see that white and ugly border?
> If you agree with me and if you somehow in charge of vim, please ask
> Bram to change Vim`s logo to a more pretty one.
> Something that is in merit of vim.

This has been wished before. See for example this thread from
july: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.vim/112613


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