Friday, October 25, 2013

Re: Different line width for different syntax groups

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Michal Kawalec <> wrote:
> Excerpts from Ben Fritz's message of 2013-10-25 14:50:15 +0100:
>> Not syntax groups, but rather patterns defined by the 'comments' option, can be treated differently.
>> Do "setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=c" to only allow textwidth to apply automatically to comments, assuming your 'comments' option is set appropriately to the syntax you are editing.
> This doesn't really help me in this particular case, as the text I want
> to exclude from beight width-limited is a member of a markdownCodeBlock
> syntax group and is not a comment.
> It is a good setting to know about, thanks for telling me about it :)

The 'comments' option doesn't necessarily need to correspond to a real
comment. It's only used by automatic formatting rules. So if you're
able to define a region using the 'comments' option that reflects the
same region as a markdownCodeBlock syntax group would mark, then you
would still be able to use this.

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