Sunday, October 27, 2013

Re: Different line width for different syntax groups

On 25/10/13 15:09, Michal Kawalec wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a file written in literate style and I would like to apply a line
> width limitation (tw=72) to the text but not to the code. Obviously
> doing `set tw=72` applies tw to the whole file.
> Is there a way to apply tw only to certain syntax group(s)?
> Thanks

To the whole file but not necessarily to what Vim can identify as comments:

:help 'formatoptions'
:help fo-table
and in particular, as Ben said, the t and c flags
and also
:help 'comments'
:help format-comments
:help 30.6

Best regards,
Would you mind terribly much if I asked you to take your silly-assed
problem down the hall?

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