Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Re: Each buffer in own tab/function lookup seem to clash

On Tuesday, October 1, 2013 12:24:02 AM UTC-5, Henry Combrinck wrote:
> > It seems like the BuffAdd event fires before the file is actually read
> > into the buffer. For after the file gets read, there is the BufRead
> > event. So, your autocmd to force new buffers into tabs is messing with
> > window layout and all sorts of things before Vim has any text to jump to
> > to find the tag. Without any more details, I'd suggest trying a few
> > other buffer related events, trying to get one which happens as late as
> > possible in the process of opening the buffer so it has less chance of
> > interfering with commands in progress.
> >
> > If that doesn't work, you could try modifying your MatchCaseTag function
> > to issue a second tjump command in case the first doesn't work. It's a
> > hack, but maybe it will fix your problem.
> >
> > Other than that, I think we need more info. Is there a pattern to the
> > location in the new file where the bad tag jump takes you? Is it the
> > last edited position, restored by your BufReadPost autocmd? Is it the
> > same line number as the file you're jumping from, but in the new file?
> > Somewhere else? No discernible pattern at all? This may give some clues.
> > You can also try removing that BufReadPost autocmd temporarily to see
> > whether it plays into this problem. I know you want to keep that one,
> > but perhaps it needs tweaking to not fire while doing a tag jump via
> > your function.
> If I disable BufReadPost, then this is what happens:
> C-] on a function call (A) in file (1) opens a new tab, but positions the
> cursor at the top of file (2), not on the function declaration itself.

Ok, so if you're not setting position on a BufRead, then your BufAdd autocmd
causes the file to open in a new tab. But Vim loses track of the fact that
it is in the middle of jumping somewhere. Probably this is because you're
messing with windows and such before Vim even reads in the buffer contents.

> If I then close the tab (returning to the original file (1)), and hit C-]
> again (on the same function call (A)), it then jumps to file (2) correctly
> positioning the cursor on the function declaration, but interestingly,
> does not open file (2) in a new tab, but instead re-uses the existing one
> (as it would if the function declaration was in the same file).

I bet this is because the buffer is already in your buffer list, so BufAdd
doesn't fire. How did you close the tab? You can try using :bdelete or
:bwipe instead of :tabclose or :close or :quit to see if that makes a
difference. But I think BufAdd is just the wrong event to use for this
autocmd, because it causes this problem and also potentially the problem
with interrupting a tag jump.

> If enable BufReadPost, but disable au BufAdd,BufNewFile..., then all works
> perfectly, but without tabs obviously.

I think instead of BuffAdd, I'd first try BufWinEnter. If that doesn't work,
then maybe BufReadPost would work.

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