Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Re: Vim persistent undo

On 28 October 2013, erdogan.kerem <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just enabled persistent undo in vim, but realized that before turning on
> persistent undo, it was occasionally useful debugging for me to undo my
> changes until when I first opened the file, then play them back to see if I
> had made any unintended changes. With persistent undo, however, I'm not sure
> how to know when I get back to the state in which I first opened the file.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how to find this out with persistent undo
> enabled?

You might consider taking a look at Gundo:

Gundo needs Python, and Python support in Vim. There are a
few other similar plugins written in pure VimL (f.i. undotree, see, but in my experience all of them
have other shortcomings.


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