Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Re: Vim variables not being created.

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 8:22:52 AM UTC-5, sai baba wrote:
> Hi,
> Im new to Vim scripting.
> Im using a ftplugin from and im getting a error E121 saying the variable is undefined.
> From my understanding any variables with scope w: or b: or l: or s: are not being created in my Gvim editor.
> I tried typing :let to see list of variables declared and i find, the variables declared in my script are not being listed or created.
> please help me in understanding..
> ps: Im using Gvim version 703 on linux machine.
> Thanks in advance
> sai

Yeeeeah...these should work in any Vim except maybe with TINY features.

What plugin? What variable? I suspect a plugin issue. Or maybe the plugin was designed for a more recent Vim. What exact Vim version do you have? There were over 1000 patches between the 7.3 and 7.4 releases.

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