On 02/11/13 17:55, John Sonderson wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone please post an answer to my struggle
> with entering Czech with the new gvim 7.4 on Windows 7
> on Stack Exchange's Super User group/forum:
> http://superuser.com/questions/668720/czech-language-input-method-and-font-support-in-gvim-7-4-on-windows-7
> The contents of that post follow:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I would like to reopen a question related to the following:
> (Czech) character set support in gvim 7.3 on Windows 7
> Basically, in that post I noticed that some Czech characters were being displayed as black squares. So I posted the question and noticed that the problem seemed to go away by changing the font. I thought that solved the problem because the characters in the file I was using displayed correctly.
> However, I have noticed the following: while some Czech characters display correctly by changing the font from the Gvim menu, others do not display correctly:
> For instance when I paste the character Ů (Latin capital letter u with ring above) or ů (Latin small letter u with ring above), no font displays the resulting character correctly. For instance, the Fixedsys font displays a black square and a small u, respectively, while Lucida Console displays a capital U and a small U, respectively. I have tried all fonts available from the gvim drop-down menu, and none seem to work for this particular case.
> The problem does not end here. The input method for unicode characters produces the wrong characters:
> CTRL-V u0160 should produce the Czech character (Š) but the backquote (') is inserted instead. CTRL-V u016e should produce the Czech character (Ů) but the n character (n) is inserted instead. And the list goes on.
> As if that were not enough, there is a list of alternative input method key combinations at the following site (which is a list of digraphs): http://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/runtime/doc/digraph.txt
> but despite having the latest verion of gvim, when I type ":digraphs", this list does not show up. Only the old list from gvim 7.3 shows up, which does not include these.
> For instance CTRL-K U0 and CTRL-K u0 both produce the character zero instead of the following:
> To summarize, despite gvim 7.4 being recently released, none of the distributed fonts are compatible with the Czech language, inserting unicode via CTRL-V seems to produce the wrong characters, and digraph support is incomplete.
> Thank you for your answers.
Works for me on Linux with gvim 7.4.055 for GTK2/Gnome2, :set
guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 8 encoding=utf-8
Warning: The 'guifont' setting for GTK2 is extremely different from that
for Windows, see the link at the bottom of this post to understand how
they match.
This could be a font problem or an encoding problem, or even a 'guifont'
parameter problem. Or it could be any combination of the three.
First, the encoding problem: Make sure you set 'encoding' to UTF-8 at
startup without losing reciprocal understanding with the OS, see
Second, check your 'guifont' setting. On Windows, I recommend ending it
with :cDEFAULT (not :cEASTEUROPE and certainly not :cANSI) in order to
leave Vim the widest freedom possible in choosing the family of fonts
that fits your needs best.
Third, the font problem. If, after fixing both of the above if they
needed it, you still find that none of the installed fonts (as shown by
":set gfn=*" without the quotes) fits your needs, don't panic! There are
lots of TrueType and OpenType fonts available for free all over the Net,
and some of them are even monotype fonts (which is the only kind that
Vim will accept). There are so many, and at so varied places, that I
can't even start listing them. Maybe Google can be your friend in this case.
See also http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Setting_the_font_in_the_GUI
And if, after doing your best to fix all three of the above to the best
of your abilities, you still have the problem, well again, do like
hitch-hikers in the Galaxy: Don't panic! Come back here, and tell us
blow-by-blow all that you did and what the results were after each step.
Best regards,
"Oh, no! NOT the Spanish Inquisition!"
"NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!"
-- Monty Python sketch --
"Oh, no! NOT another option!"
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