Thursday, November 28, 2013

Re: Search and stay

Le lundi 25 novembre 2013 11:51:51 UTC+1, Paolo Bolzoni a écrit :
> Dear list,
> I often search text in the latex documents to move around.
> So I press /<some known sentence> and Vim shows me the
> place because I have incsearch active.
> Can I just stay in the place without pressing enter?
> I am asking because I also have hlsearch on and while
> it is normally useful in this particular case is not.

Based on this very real annoyance, and having a little bit of time to kill, I
wrote the code below: not only does it removes the 'hlsearch' problem, but it
also makes search easier by foregrounding matches and letting you jump from
one to the next without leaving the search. I find it quite comfortable, but
of course others might find that just terrible. Here's how it works:

- Type <C-f> (in normal mode).
- Type your regex search as you would with a normal search (it is echoed in
the command line).
- Use <Tab> to jump to the next match, and <S-Tab> to jump to the previous
one. You can also continue searching after that.
- Hit <Enter> to exit and position the cursor on the current match.
- Hit <Esc> to end the whole thing without moving the cursor.
- You might want to change the color in the line:
hi searchRest guifg=#AAAAAA
or adapt it for the terminal (I'm using gVim).

If anybody is interested, I can make that into a plugin (rewriting it a little
bit less sloppily, because it will fail in some cases, plus it requires a few
options to be really interesting), in case, of course, such a plugin does not
already exist :)


" Put this code somewhere.
hi link searchFound Search
hi link searchHigh Error
hi searchRest guifg=#AAAAAA

function! s:search (str, opos, ...)
let str = a:str
echohl Type
echo "Searching for: "
echohl None
echon str
let ch = getchar()
for n in a:000
if n >= 0
call matchdelete(n)
" <Esc>: cancel the whole thing.
if ch == 27
call cursor(a:opos[1], a:opos[2])
" Other chars, except <Enter>, which does nothing (the cursor is already
" where it must be).
elseif ch != 13
if ch == "\<BackSpace>"
let str = substitute(str, '.$', '', 'g')
elseif ch != 9 " 9 is <Tab>.
let str .= nr2char(ch)
let rest = matchadd('searchRest', '.*')
let found = matchadd('searchFound', str)
" <Tab> moves to the next match, <S-Tab> to the previous one.
let f = ch == 9 ? '' : (ch == "\<S-Tab>" ? 'b' : 'c')
let pos = searchpos(str, f)
call cursor(pos)
let high = matchadd('searchHigh', '\%' . pos[0] . 'l\%' . pos[1] .'c' . str)
call s:search(str, a:opos, rest, found, high)

nnoremap <C-f> :call <SID>search('', getpos('.'))<CR>
" End of code.

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