Saturday, November 30, 2013

Re: Trouble with getpos()/setpos().

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 11:40:12 AM UTC+1, Paul Isambert wrote:
> glts <> a écrit:
> > Paul,
> >
> > On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:03:07 AM UTC+1, Paul Isambert wrote:
> > > I've encountered a behavior which really smells like a bug, but I'd
> > > like to check here beforehand to be sure:
> > >
> > > Go into linewise visual mode and leave it. Show the position of the '> mark with:
> > >
> > > echo getpos("'>")
> > >
> > > It returns something like (if you were on line 23):
> > >
> > > [0, 23, 2147483647, 0]
> > >
> > > where the very big value for the column means you were in linewise
> > > visual mode. Now try to set the '> mark with e.g.:
> > >
> > > echo setpos("'>", [0, 25, 12, 0])
> > >
> > > "0" is echoed, meaning nothing went wrong. Use "getpos("'>")" again to see
> > > the position of the mark, this time you'll see:
> > >
> > > [0, 25, 2147483647, 0]
> > >
> > > The line was changed, but not the column. And it seems to happen
> > > whenever the column number has that big value, i.e. whenever you went
> > > into linewise visual mode.
> > >
> > > Am I missing something?
> >
> > I tripped over this myself in the past and posted it here as a bug.
> >
> > But it's documented behaviour. :h setpos(), the last paragraph:
> >
> > > This does not restore the preferred column for moving vertically. See
> > > |winrestview()| for that.
> Thank you David. I'd seen that part without really reading it nor
> understanding what it means. In particular, how does it explain that
> "setpos()" doesn't set the column if and only if the current column is
> "infinite", whereas it works ok otherwise?
> To put it another way, if "setpos()" is half useless, why does it
> exit to begin with?

I answered too quickly, sorry. Now that I reread your description it
does seem strange, I can't explain it.

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