Thursday, November 28, 2013

Re: vim slow, Lisp, etc.

Ed Kostas wrote:
> On Thursday, November 28, 2013 2:25:40 PM UTC-2, wrote:
>> Ed Kostas wrote:
>>> 3- It seems that there is a Vi clone that does everything these lawyers want. It is fast in dealing with large Latex sources, it has an org-mode that works like emacs, etc. etc. It is called Evil. Third question: What am I loosing if I work with Evil?
>> A little googling yields this:
>> Which describes Evil as "an *e*xtensible *vi* *l*ayer for Emacs
>> <>. It emulates the main features of
>> Vim <>, and provides facilities for writing custom
>> extensions."
>> In other words, it makes emacs look like vim. So all the features
>> they're using now - including the analysis routines written in lisp;
>> through a simpler interface.
>> But a larger question here: Why are they even considering moving to
>> Vim? They seem to be using a lot of critical emacs features
>> (particularly those based on lisp) - how would they be able to do their
>> work without those features? If they're looking for a simpler
>> interface, then maybe Evil would help, but then there are a few nice
>> GUIs for emacs that might make more sense.
> Well, Miles. For lawyers, mandatory electronic pleading is a novelty. Even in the United States it is quite recent. In Brazil, it became mandatory two years ago. In Philippines, two months ago. Here are news from Philippines:

First off, kill the snide responses - not very useful when asking for help.

Second, what does the Philippines have to do with anything?

> The fact is that lawyers don't know what they need. Everything is very
> recent. They ask experts and the answer is: Emacs or Vim. I mean,
> there are experts that recommend Vim. Other experts recommend Emacs.
> The solution is checking both. That is what most lawyers are doing.

Ok, you asked a very specific question: "What am I loosing if I work
with Evil?" With the implication of "in comparison with either emacs or
vim." To be very clear, the answer appears to be "nothing" - you're
gaining in comparison to both:
1. you get org-mode
2. you get properly functioning elisp scripts
3. you get a vim-like interface

It simply doesn't sound like basic vim gets you what you're asking for.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra

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