Thursday, November 28, 2013

Re: vim slow, Lisp, etc.

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 02:39:02AM -0800, Ed Kostas wrote:
> I am helping a lawyer office in (a difficult) trying Vi(m), and have a few
> questions. The fact is that Vim seems to be very slow compared to Emacs. Let
> me elaborate on that.
> 1 - Lawyers work with long (very long) texts and Latex sources. Basically, an
> OCR program transforms every thing they are working with into text. Asterisks
> are added automatically by the OCR, that is written in Lisp (or inLab Scheme).
> The asterisks control the outline in something lawyers call org-mode. They
> use tabs and shift tabs to close the outline, and have a fast overview of the
> document.

> It seems that Vim outline did not work as well as Emacs Org-mode. The lawyers
> complain that it takes forever to close or open the paragraphs. It does not
> have schedules, calendars, deadlines, etc. Latex sources seems to be much
> slower in Vim, and often freezes Vim. In fact, I noticed that Vim becomes so
> slow that people types faster than Vim deals with the syntax coloring. First
> question: How to make Vim faster?

This isn't a standard feature of vim. org-mode is my main reason for using emacs
at all -- it's where this file format you are using originated and it works much
better than the two implementations of org-mode on vim that I have tried. This
is one case where you are much better off using emacs instead, especially for
use by non-programmers.

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