Friday, November 29, 2013

Re: vim slow, Lisp, etc.

One of the lawyers and an engineer interested in Vim told me that they succeeded in compiling Vim, with mzscheme and with somewhat faster syntax coloring. I did not test their instruction myself, but both said that they did the following:

1 - Add python. They even don't know what python is, but they read somewhere that python requires threads. They don't know what threads are either, but they know that Emacs has threads; therefore, threads are the thing that is missing.

2 - Install Racket from sources. Then copy the libraries libracket.a and libmzgc.a to /usr/local/lib

The command line becomes:

./configure --enable-mzschemeinterp --enable-pythoninterp

They claim that this did the trick. I will try it later on. They also followed the suggestion of DrChip for improving the speed. It seems that it works.

I know that people here are users, not the core developers of Vim. However, I believe that Vim (and Racket) should simplify the installation process. This would prevent people like me from nagging the members of this list with details of installation. Here is a few suggestions (again, I know that this list is not the place for it):

1 -- Racket should put the libraries in the binary distribution. Most people don't compile from sources.

2 -- Vim should point out that the libraries are necessary, and that they are not distributed normally from the site of Racket.

3 -- Vim should explain that threads are necessary, and explain how to add threads. For example, by installing python. Even better, if_mzscheme should intall threads automatically.

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