Thursday, December 26, 2013

Re: specific colorscheme for help files

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:28:22 PM UTC-6, Steve wrote:
> Hi,
> As I'm still learning vim (who isn't?), I'm often reading the help
> files. Typing ':h help' splits the window into two buffers which have
> the same colorscheme, which can be pretty confusing at some point.
> I'm trying to configure vim so that the help files are in a different
> colorscheme than the buffer I came from. First idea was to use the
> ftplugin mechanism. I thus created ~/.vim/ftplugin/help.vim in which I
> put:
> colorscheme darkblue
> This works for the help file, but as a side effect, it also changes the
> other buffer, which is obviously not what is desired.
> I then searched the Net and fell on a message by Gary Johnson dated
> December 27th, 2012 [1], saying it was not possible to do this. Further
> searches seemed to show other opinions, but nothing that I could use as
> is.
> Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I'm curious where you found "other opinions". Color schemes are global to all of Vim. There are no buffer-local or window-local color schemes. You could possibly hack a tab-local color scheme using TabEnter/TabLeave autocmds, but there's nothing built in even for that.

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