Monday, December 30, 2013

Re: Vim redraw issue in Xubuntu 13.10 (running inside VMWare Workstation 10)

On 30/12/2013 16:34, Ken Takata wrote:
> Hi,
> 2013/12/30 Mon 11:26:45 UTC+9 Some Developer wrote:
>> It still happens when using "gvim -u NONE".
>> Steps to reproduce are easy. Load an HTML file with gvim, enter insert
>> mode and press return a few times in the middle of the file to add new
>> lines. After 2 or 3 new lines have been added the cursor starts
>> overwriting text underneath rather than adding new lines. Exiting out of
>> insert mode and pressing Ctrl-R to refresh the screen redraws everything
>> and the file looks correct again. Do some more editing in insert mode
>> and it screws up again until Ctrl-R is pressed again.
>> I have a feeling this has something to do with GTK+ rather than Vim
>> since the command line version works perfectly with the same file.
> I think this is related to the following item from the todo.txt:
> Problem caused by patch 7.3.638: window->open does not update window
> correctly. Issue 91.
> How about reverting the patch 7.3.638?
> Regards,
> Ken Takata

Ah, good catch. Thanks. I'll have a go when I next have some free time
to play around with this.

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